I want to make a Mqtt device, for that, they need to send unique topics, the MAC is a good option:
But as JoinStrings is said to be an expensive function, it should be more convenient to create the topics at the start and reuse them. I tried GlobalStore with no success.
In AppStart:
And then use it like:
And, in the other side, the Topic recived is something like this: "1073669004" instead of the text
Is the GlobalStore the correct way to do this?
But as JoinStrings is said to be an expensive function, it should be more convenient to create the topics at the start and reuse them. I tried GlobalStore with no success.
In AppStart:
GlobalStore.Put(0, JoinStrings(Array As String("home/", MyMac, "/out")))
Dim Topic As String = JoinStrings(Array As String("home/", MyMac, "/in"))
GlobalStore.Put(1, Topic)
And then use it like:
mqtt.Subscribe(GlobalStore.Slot0, 0)
mqtt.Publish(GlobalStore.Slot1, Serializator.ConvertArrayToBytes(Array(iBtnNum, iState)))
Sub Mqtt_MessageArrived (Topic As String, Payload() As Byte)
Log("Topic: ", Topic)
Log ("Slot1: ", GlobalStore.Slot1)
'In the logs it prints the correct text, but this fails:
If Topic = GlobalStore.Slot1 Then
'Not true
Log("Topic <> Slot1")
End If
'It prints: "Topic <> Slot1"
End Sub
And, in the other side, the Topic recived is something like this: "1073669004" instead of the text
Is the GlobalStore the correct way to do this?