Is the Google Play Licensing Service needed?


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I just read a little about the Google license service to protect app developers.

Before I go any further, does the signing process (private key) in B4A accomplish the same security safeguards that the License Google offers?


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My friend, not at all. They are different things.

Signing an application is compulsory.

All you get with B4A(if you select it on Compile) is Obfuscation which is a precaution measure but an experienced cracker will always cope with your .APK.

Licensing library is an option. It's used to ensure only licensed users use your application. What it does is to ask via Internet Google Servers if this user has the permission to use this application. In my opinion, it's worth using it for paid apps only. What's more, this requires internet connection. In the case your application doesn't use internet at all, that could be unpleasant to users and they uninstall your app. However, if your app is parsing contents from the internet and it uses internet in order to function properly, then this library does make sense to use. To say it again, an experienced cracker can find the Licensing logic and remove it and distribute your modified .APK.

The topic has been discussed here on the forum and there is only precaution measure you can take, nothing else. If someone has the wish, they will crack your .apk.
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I'd like to correct one thing Penko said and say that it doesn't take an experienced cracker to crack the licensing logic, anyone can do it easily. There are "one-click" patchers that can bypass any app's licensing security. I have several paid apps out and I don't even bother with the licensing service. I really don't think its worth much because if someone wants your app for free they will get it. If there is a 1% chance the the licensing service may cause a problem with one of your genuine paid users then it's really not worth it.

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