I'm trying to use the crosswalk browser as well as the CSS support is a better fit for a product we make. The browser comes with a java wrapper that should be useable from within B4A.
I am however struggling to use it. I have created the following xml file that lives alongside the crosswalk JAR file so I can hook it into the B4A IDE:
<comment>The new web browser</comment>
I also have the following code that gives a constructor not found error:
Dim arrURL(1) As String
arrURL(0) = ""
Dim arrParams(2) As Object
arrParams(0) = Activity
arrParams(1) = Null
Dim wb As JavaObject
wb = wb.InitializeNewInstance("org.xwalk.core.XWalkView",arrParams)
wb.RunMethod("load", arrURL)
If anybody has any pointers on how to get this working it would be much appreciated before I get forced to use Android Studio!