iOS Question iTessaract English Files


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Hi, I am trying to run the iTessaract Example using English data.
I downloaded the eng.traineddata and added it to my files. When I run the code, I get the error below.

Where I see in post # that I need these files,

Dim DataList As List = Array As String("eng.cube.bigrams","eng.cube.fold","eng.cube.lm","eng.cube.nn","eng.cube.params","eng.cube.size","eng.cube.word-freq","eng.tesseract_cube.nn","eng.traineddata","osd.traineddata")

but they are not available on the Github page. Any help to get these files will be appreciated

Available EngineModes for your language:
- EngineModeTesseractOnly
Tesseract destination path: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/53B63F94-D346-429C-9A29-2686E377A1B1/Library/Caches/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/53B63F94-D346-429C-9A29-2686E377A1B1/Documents/tessdata
SignalHandler 6
Error occurred on line: 40 (Main)
Signal - 6
Stack Trace: (
    "0   B4i Example          SignalHandler + 120",
    "1   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x0000000213bf29ec <redacted> + 40",
    "2   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x0000000213bf8094 <redacted> + 380",
    "3   libsystem_c.dylib    abort + 140",
    "4   B4i Example          _Z19ExtractBlobFeaturesRK19FEATURE_DEFS_STRUCTRK6DENORMS4_RK20INT_FX_RESULT_STRUCTP5TBLOB + 0",
    "5   B4i Example          _ZN9tesseract15TessdataManager4InitEPKci + 204",
    "6   B4i Example          _ZN9tesseract9Tesseract24init_tesseract_lang_dataEPKcS2_S2_NS_13OcrEngineModeEPPciPK13GenericVectorI6STRINGESA_b + 208",
    "7   B4i Example          _ZN9tesseract9Tesseract23init_tesseract_internalEPKcS2_S2_NS_13OcrEngineModeEPPciPK13GenericVectorI6STRINGESA_b + 48",
    "8   B4i Example          _ZN9tesseract9Tesseract14init_tesseractEPKcS2_S2_NS_13OcrEngineModeEPPciPK13GenericVectorI6STRINGESA_b + 376",
    "9   B4i Example          _ZN9tesseract11TessBaseAPI4InitEPKcS2_NS_13OcrEngineModeEPPciPK13GenericVectorI6STRINGESA_b + 276"
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