Hello guys and Happy New year! I would just like to ask how i can implement proper margin in my layout.
Im using 2 different screen a 1080p and a 720p screen. Attach is the screenshot of the margins that i encounter using SlidingMenu by jfeinstein.
What i do is first placing my label,imageview and button inside a scrollview. Afterwards i use an Expandedlistview for me to create a menu that is able to expand and contract.
I think im having a problem with my last line in DipToCurrent(15dip) because even if i change the value the results are different for the different layout
Also using clsExpList (which is my ExpandedListView), i add the views into my scrollview panel (sv.Panel)
Im using 2 different screen a 1080p and a 720p screen. Attach is the screenshot of the margins that i encounter using SlidingMenu by jfeinstein.
What i do is first placing my label,imageview and button inside a scrollview. Afterwards i use an Expandedlistview for me to create a menu that is able to expand and contract.
Dim offset As Int = 60dip
Dim pnl3 As Panel
Dim smLbl5,smLbl6,smLbl7 As Label
smLbl5.Text ="Hi Rommel!":smLbl6.Text ="Your balance as of May":smLbl6.Text ="Your balance as of":smLbl7.Text ="May 20,2014 is P17,230.00"
smLbl5.TextSize = 18:smLbl6.TextSize = 11:smLbl7.TextSize = 11:
smLbl5.TextColor = Colors.LightGray:smLbl6.TextColor = Colors.LightGray:smLbl7.TextColor = Colors.LightGray
Dim img2 As ImageView
img2.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"sm_pic.png")
Dim btn4 As Button
Dim sld4 As StateListDrawable
Dim bmpBtn4Idle,bmpBtn4Press As BitmapDrawable
sld4.AddState(sld4.State_Pressed, bmpBtn4Press)
sld4.AddState(sld4.State_Enabled, bmpBtn4Idle)
btn4.Background = sld4
pnl3.AddView(img2,100%x - offset - 90dip,10dip,83dip,83dip)
sv.Panel.AddView(pnl3, 0dip, 50dip, 100%x - offset, 170dip)
Dim arrExpList(10) As ExpListViewItem
arrExpList(0).Initialize:arrExpList(0).Expanded = False:arrExpList(0).IsParent = False:arrExpList(0).id= 0:arrExpList(0).childto= 0:
arrExpList(1).Initialize:arrExpList(1).Expanded = False:arrExpList(1).IsParent = True:arrExpList(1).id= 1:arrExpList(1).childto= 0:arrExpList(1).Text = "My Account":arrExpList(1).icon = ""
arrExpList(2).Initialize:arrExpList(2).Expanded = False:arrExpList(2).IsParent = False:arrExpList(2).id= 2:arrExpList(2).childto= 1:arrExpList(2).Text = "Mobile No.":arrExpList(2).icon = "sm_mobilepic.png"
arrExpList(3).Initialize:arrExpList(3).Expanded = False:arrExpList(3).IsParent = False:arrExpList(3).id= 3:arrExpList(3).childto= 1:arrExpList(3).Text = "[email protected]":arrExpList(3).icon = "sm_emailpic.png"
arrExpList(4).Initialize:arrExpList(4).Expanded = False:arrExpList(4).IsParent = True:arrExpList(4).id= 4:arrExpList(4).childto= 0:arrExpList(4).Text = "My Profile":arrExpList(4).icon = "sm_myprofile.png"
arrExpList(5).Initialize:arrExpList(5).Expanded = False:arrExpList(5).IsParent = False:arrExpList(5).id= 5:arrExpList(5).childto= 4:arrExpList(5).Text = "Change MPIN":arrExpList(5).icon = "sm_changepin.png"
arrExpList(6).Initialize:arrExpList(6).Expanded = False:arrExpList(6).IsParent = False:arrExpList(6).id= 6:arrExpList(6).childto= 4:arrExpList(6).Text = "Sign Out":arrExpList(6).icon = "sm_logout.png"
arrExpList(7).Initialize:arrExpList(7).Expanded = False:arrExpList(7).IsParent = True:arrExpList(7).id= 7:arrExpList(7).childto= 0:arrExpList(7).Text = "Transactions":arrExpList(7).icon = ""
arrExpList(8).Initialize:arrExpList(8).Expanded = False:arrExpList(8).IsParent = False:arrExpList(8).id= 8:arrExpList(8).childto=7:arrExpList(8).Text = "Transaction Report":arrExpList(8).icon = "sm_transactrpt.png"
arrExpList(9).Initialize:arrExpList(9).Expanded = False:arrExpList(9).IsParent = False:arrExpList(9).id= 9:arrExpList(9).childto= 7:arrExpList(9).Text = "Summary":arrExpList(9).icon = "sm_summary.png"
clsExpList.Initialize(sv.Panel, arrExpList,DipToCurrent(15dip),offset)
I think im having a problem with my last line in DipToCurrent(15dip) because even if i change the value the results are different for the different layout
Also using clsExpList (which is my ExpandedListView), i add the views into my scrollview panel (sv.Panel)