B4J Library jHueBridge

This is a library that emulates a Philips Hue bridge v1 with Lights and allows you to control them (and therefore your App) from Alexa-powered devices like the Amazon Echo or the Dot.

Ive tested it with the big Amazon Echo 1.Gen and it works perfectly.
Unfortunately it does not work for my friend with Echo Dot 3.gen. I have not found out why yet. But his echo find other emulators like for ESP8266 that use the same protocol. Maybe there are tinkerers here who can help me.


- add many devices as you like
- supports On/off
- supports dimming
- supports colorchanging

Sub Process_Globals
    Dim bridge As jHueBridge
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
    bridge.addDevice("MyDevice",True) 'You can call this as many as you like with different names
    bridge.startPairing 'Pairing is active for 2 minutes
End Sub

'Return true to allow the default exceptions handler to handle the uncaught exception.
Sub Application_Error (Error As Exception, StackTrace As String) As Boolean
    Return True
End Sub

Sub Bridge_StateChanged(DeviceName As String,State As Boolean)
    Log("Client switch device " & DeviceName & " to " & State)
End Sub

Sub Bridge_BrightnessChanged(DeviceName As String,Brightness As Int)
    Log("Client sets the brightness of device " & DeviceName & " to " & Brightness)
End Sub

Sub Bridge_ColorChanged(DeviceName As String, Color() As Int)
    Log("Client sets the color of device " & DeviceName & " to " & "R="&Color(0)& " G="&Color(1)& " B="&Color(2))
End Sub

Depends on:
- JavaObject
- jNetwork
- jRandomAccessFile
- Json


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Longtime User
Yes it is an old thread but this reply is still relevant I think...

Anyhow after comparing this code to that used for the ESPFauxmo implementation I found a number of changes would allow it to work on my gen 2 dot:

- change CRLF to real CRLF eg. define RealCRLF = chr(13)&chr(10) and replace all CRLF with RealCRLF
- make the device id a 12 character value rather than present 8 (for example I just appended the last 4 MAC address bytes to test)
- in devicetype response change:
        astream.Write($"[{"success":{"username": "2WLEDHardQrI3WHYTHoMcXHgEspsM8ZZRpSKtBQr"}}]"$.getbytes("utf8"))

It took me two days to work out the first item. Unfortunately too easy to assume CRLF means Carriage Return, Line Feed ASCII codes whereas in B4J it actually means just Line Feed code. I know this has been discussed elsewhere so no further comments on that, other than beware as it has got me before - my memory just too short...:)