I'm looking for someone that can produce a software for me. One condition (company policy) it's that the offer should include the source code (audit purpouses because no many people know how to handle B4A)
We need a system, we produce PVC pipe. Production Control send a Sheet with all the products that should be produced in a day. This sheet came along with each Code of the product printed on it. With the Code of the product Plus the quantity . of Pipe that has to be produce in the day.
When you produce Pipe is important to register Weight and Production Data. The pipes are put togheter inside a wood frame. Each wood frame has a specific amount of pipes, but only up to one size, larger pipes come alone. For example pipes from 2" up to 14" are put in a wood frame. Each measure has different qty of pipes. But from 14" up to 32" The pipes are store individually.
So, when this Wood framed pipe are done in the extrusion line, they send to Weight, were this people register Batch number that consist in Product Code, Date, Hour, Weight (is a Speciall code ob Batch number created with all this data).
So we register Weight. That is saved in a Mysql Server that we don't have control , so we have to use PHP along with all the rest of the data (Batch number and qty)
We have to print (POS 58 Thermal printer bluetooth) this information a couple of times in just one strip about 25cm lenght, because each part of this print ends in a sector (Production, Quality, Logistic and Stock).
Android application also need Barcode reading because registration is base in that sheet that production control process gives with all the barcodes
For now that's it. We want to implement first this, then expand the system to other particularyties on each seacto. PM if you have toher questions.
Best regards (Sorry for english mistakes
We need a system, we produce PVC pipe. Production Control send a Sheet with all the products that should be produced in a day. This sheet came along with each Code of the product printed on it. With the Code of the product Plus the quantity . of Pipe that has to be produce in the day.
When you produce Pipe is important to register Weight and Production Data. The pipes are put togheter inside a wood frame. Each wood frame has a specific amount of pipes, but only up to one size, larger pipes come alone. For example pipes from 2" up to 14" are put in a wood frame. Each measure has different qty of pipes. But from 14" up to 32" The pipes are store individually.
So, when this Wood framed pipe are done in the extrusion line, they send to Weight, were this people register Batch number that consist in Product Code, Date, Hour, Weight (is a Speciall code ob Batch number created with all this data).
So we register Weight. That is saved in a Mysql Server that we don't have control , so we have to use PHP along with all the rest of the data (Batch number and qty)
We have to print (POS 58 Thermal printer bluetooth) this information a couple of times in just one strip about 25cm lenght, because each part of this print ends in a sector (Production, Quality, Logistic and Stock).
Android application also need Barcode reading because registration is base in that sheet that production control process gives with all the barcodes
For now that's it. We want to implement first this, then expand the system to other particularyties on each seacto. PM if you have toher questions.
Best regards (Sorry for english mistakes