I was about to start on this project myself (been meaning to for some time).
This is really very small but I do have a number of projects planned for in the future.
I want people to be able to text (common name/slang for sending an SMS in the UK) an order to my phone, which will forward the order to a php script.
The php script stores the data in a database and prints a receipt. This part is already working (php/mysql), it just expects the data in a particular way.
All the phone has to do is check the subject of the text, if it reads order (for example), parse the body, send it to the php script. Phone number of sender also needs to be sent to script.
Would be nice to have a log, display order on screen, a list of orders etc.
I'd like the source and preferably copyright.
Eventually I hope to have a full ordering system, but for now this will do, we already have people texting (sms'ing) their orders to a landline, we then have to listen to the spoke text, write it down etc, phone customer to confirm.
This is really very small but I do have a number of projects planned for in the future.
I want people to be able to text (common name/slang for sending an SMS in the UK) an order to my phone, which will forward the order to a php script.
The php script stores the data in a database and prints a receipt. This part is already working (php/mysql), it just expects the data in a particular way.
All the phone has to do is check the subject of the text, if it reads order (for example), parse the body, send it to the php script. Phone number of sender also needs to be sent to script.
Would be nice to have a log, display order on screen, a list of orders etc.
I'd like the source and preferably copyright.
Eventually I hope to have a full ordering system, but for now this will do, we already have people texting (sms'ing) their orders to a landline, we then have to listen to the spoke text, write it down etc, phone customer to confirm.