JRDC2 Interface - Remote Server Manager


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Hello everyone

while we are working on the Skype & Twitch alternative project we had to modify the features of the JRDC2 a lot of times.
and each time we did that we had to open the server, run CMD read the logs file, test the connections and the timeouts, and sometimes the JRDC2 was not running and we hadto keep checking it, so we did this

You can do the following :
Control the server & the JRDC2 remotely :

1- Stop JRDC2
2- Pause it (no more in/out until it was un-paused)
3- Restart JRDC2
4- Make it run at start up of the server (sometimes we restarted the server so we had to log in using ssh, then open the anydesk then run the service which can take a lot of time)
5- Restart the Server (windows server)
6- Block/unblock an ip that tries to connect
7- you can take screenshots of the server (Remotely)
8- you can view real-time logs
9- check if the server is running (automatic checkup every 5 minutes)
10- how long has the server been running
11- how many requests so far

*A very important feature that it's a remote connection meaning you don't have to install the JRDC2Interface on the server, just install it on your pc and put the JRDC2 link and that's it

We had a problem and we created a solution, and am 100% sure a lot of developers have the same issues.
Before We announce it as a donation ware meaning just donate what ever you would like and we will send you the Modified version of the JRDC2 and other source code of the JRDC2Interface.

we want to know if you have any features you want to be added to this solution

Edit : It's been announced
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This looks amazing... great work?

1. Assuming you have multiple jRDC2 server ports running? How do you manage these? Would be nice to have a treeview and you select and are able to view each one. We are assuming you are using the same PC.
2. Assuming you have different backend connections, e.g. MySQL, MSSQL, SQLIte, is it possible to configure different connections?
3. The config.properties file that also has SQL query strings to execute, can you set / update/ these as and when you want?

These are just on top of my head..


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1- Done, we added a combox to choose the connections you would like
2 and 3 are changes made in the file that was already build so we will have to see and check if we can modify them


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it's been announced


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Server Snapshot Feature (inspired by The Teamviewer alternative project )


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You are a Bright Shining Star - Thank you very much !!
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