Android Question JustifyTextView


Hi, I am trying to show text of book on a justified format on app
there was a way to use canvas and it needs to process the text and takes time

now i want to use justifyTextView it's perfect for justify but i don't know how i can put text lines equal to height of text view because i dont think heigh measuring of canvas work because it returns height of a single line and there is no way to find out how much of text is on each line
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someone says use this for scroll the textview
#if java
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.text.method.ScrollingMovementMethod;
public void zxc (TextView x) {x.setMovementMethod(new ScrollingMovementMethod());}
#end if

Dim jo As JavaObject
jo.InitializeContext.RunMethod("zxc",Array As Object(Label1))

it works but size is incorrect and half of scrolling justifyTextView is empty
not good for an user friendly app
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and StrUtil.MeasureMultilineTextHeight not works on justifyTextView because there is no width property
the crazy way using a bitmap font drawing on a bitmap and put on a surface it should work
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