Share My Creation L.A. Metro Bus Schedule

Hello everyone, i just wanted to shared my second app built using basic4android, is a very simple app, first I would like to give props to NJDude for showing me hot to use the xml parsing library, this app is only for the Los Angeles area, it uses the L.A Metro API. The user can select the bus route he/she wants to take, then select the bus stop, and it will give you the exact arrival time for the next bus, i find it to be very useful tool since i ride the bus myself, please check it out and give it a try, if you guys have any suggestions or feedback please feel free to let me know, don't forget to rate it and comment on it. Thanks to everyone else who also helped me figure some stuff out. Basic4Android rocks.

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here's the link where the app can be downloaded.



Licensed User
Longtime User
NICELY DONE!!!, I'll use it on my next trip to LA

I have a few observations:

1- The AdMob box pushes the ListView down, which makes the bottom items not visible if you have a long list, you better define the AdMob static on the screen and resize the ListViews under it.

2- The font colors you use might be difficult to read for some people (some color blind users for example).

3- Add a splash screen, that would be a nice touch.

4- Add an "About" activity and put the version number and author there.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Great observations NJDude, I will play around with the admob ads, I had also thought about the color of the fonts and you are right, it may be difficult for color blind people to see, how exactly do I defined the AdMob static?

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