Landing Distance


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I am new to programing and have a several solutions I like to achieve.
Here a sample of what has to be done today manually.

What is the best way of doing something like this and is there somewhere a sample.

A sample how it works is below the table
Any help is appreciated



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I have no clout why it made the picture so small. Its the same as I uploaded here

if you look at the sample you will see how it works. The sample calculation is on the second link , while the data are taken from first link.
what you basically do is
- look at the weight
- then select the correct horizontal line depending on conditions , then apply the corrections found in the corrections table.
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I have many tables, they vary a bit in layout but work all about the same.
As I am new to programing this is probably a bit beyond my capabilities, therefor some Help would be appreciated.
Thanks for any help.
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We could turn this thread into a step - by - step project development thread.

Post up the following info:

What data tables you have, where and how are they stored.
What you want the app to do with the data.
What devices you want it to target.

Then we can come up with the initial app framework (what screens you need, what buttons, check boxes etc) and work from there.

Anyone else in to help - if we get it working I suggest the OP donates to Erel what he sees as an appropriate amount for the app.
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Hi kickaha
thanks for your input.
So far I have not done anything.
What I am interest is is if one should use a DB for this or if it can be done in another simpler way.

Inputs are:
- Configuration that is the configuration of the plane (ie Flaps) in my case it is Full flap
but could be some lower flap setting which would then use another table
- Weight of aircraft
- Runway conditions that could be a radio button , (selecting respective line dry,wet,standing water slush snow, ice)
- depending on what runway conditions have been selected one has to apply respective altitude correction (per 1000ft above sea level)
- correction on head wind =0
- correction on tailwind (again depending on runway condition column 10, 20, 30, 40 kts tailwind as combo box)
- CG corrections (this is the center of gravity) also depending rwy conditions
- apply correction for thrust reverser inop again depending on RWY conditions
- correction for higher than normal approach speed per 5 kts

This is the EXAMPLE : Actual Landing Distance (ALD) calculation with multiple corrections
Data : LW = 62 000 kg
Landing configuration = CONF FULL
Pressure altitude = 2000 ft
Approach speed = VLS + 5 kt
Dry runway
Read from ALD table (FCOM 2.03.10 page 3),
ALD (0 ft, No wind, VLS, no reversers) = 840 m
Read from the Correction table (FCOM 2.03.10 page 3),
Pressure altitude correction : 3 x 2 = + 6 %
Speed increment correction : + 8 %
ALD (2000 ft, No wind, VLS+5kt, no reversers) = 840 x 1.06 x 1.08 = 970 m.


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So, as I understand it, there are only two small tables (for full flap).

Is the corrections table the same for all flap settings, or are there two tables per flap setting?

How many flap settings are there?

My first thought is to define a type for each table:

Type Flap (Weight, Dry, Wet etc As List)
Type Corrections (Dry etc As List)

and put the data in files named according to the flap configurations (by saving and loading the type directly)

That way you can select the Flap config, which loads your tables, put in all your other variables and do the calculations.

Does this sound like a plan?

Edit to add: may need to add a separate var for speed increment if it is not a constant, but would still fit within my scheme
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Aircraft performance

Devjet, what aircraft type is this for?

In answer to an earlier question, you will use linear interpolation on the first table to get a landing distance for a given aircraft weight and Runway condition, then you'll apply correction factors as per the second table.

The first table may vary on several factors: flap settings (depending on the aircraft type there may be up to 4 or even 5 flap settings, each with a different table), and density altitude (a function of atmospheric pressure and temperature). There may be other factors depending upon the aircraft type.

This sort of app ends up having loads of small tables for Table 1 which are selected using the flap settings and the pressure and other relevant aircraft parameters, then the result is fed into a correction Function which applies corrections as necessary as per table 2. Usually table 2 is pretty is just table 1 that varies.

Of course this is just for landing. You will have a different table 2 for takeoff, and then you get into tables for en route fuel flows at different altitudes and you can imagine it all gets quite complicated keeping track of all those tables! :)

What you are seeing here is just one table from potentially dozens of tables from an aircraft's Performance manual.

Hope this helps.

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I would need to see all the tables that the app needs to manage before deciding on how best to handle them.
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The table is out of a Airbus 320 . I am aware that it can have more tables etc.
The idea is not to convert a whole aircraft performance manual in to a application, that would be too big and probably not legal anyway.
I was just wondering how such a calculations (layout of info) is best handled and if there was another way , easier (quicker) than using data tables, or if there is a sample somewhere ho to implement similar
I see that using data tables would eventually get very crowded

In that particular case it only has two flap settings
3 & full.
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My question is, is this for commercial aircraft or personal?

Is this for the pilot or for the passenger?

Either way, arnt GPS related devices forbidden by the FAA?
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- the table is for commercial aircraft. however private aircraft have similar tables
- it is for pilots
- mobile mobile devices are allowed if flight mode is activated... as far as I know
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OK Devjet, I have put together an app that uses the two tables you have give, and can calculate the landing distance.
I have also made it so that you can add (and edit and delete) configuration tables (press the menu button to get the options).

when you are in the Configuration table editor, first thing to do is add a weight, then enter the data associated with that weight then press "insert" to put it in the table.

When you have finished adding all the data, press save. You can also view the table - the view works in landscape or portrait as it calls the web browser. Use the devices back button to return to the calculation screen.

When saved you can select the table in the "Configuration" drop - down.

You can also edit the correction table, this works the same way - do not forget to "insert" the data and "save" the finished table.

The program was laid out on a 320 x 480 device and (apart from the table views) is set to portrait mode only. Not quite the finished article, but a good working example.

Have a look and give me some feedback.
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Very good!
I am currently writing from my mobile. I will be back home on Monday and let you know.
For the time, many thanks for your effort.
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works well! I know that some of you may be able to do it... ;) However I like to be able to do it as well. Therefor it would be nice if there was a sample ... how to. As the above tool is not complete,- it just covers a small part - of what I eventually like to do, a bit more info would be appreciated... or send me a email so I can get in touch with you.
B4A seems to be very effective way of doing things.
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