Hi kickaha
thanks for your input.
So far I have not done anything.
What I am interest is is if one should use a DB for this or if it can be done in another simpler way.
Inputs are:
- Configuration that is the configuration of the plane (ie Flaps) in my case it is Full flap
but could be some lower flap setting which would then use another table
- Weight of aircraft
- Runway conditions that could be a radio button , (selecting respective line dry,wet,standing water slush snow, ice)
- depending on what runway conditions have been selected one has to apply respective altitude correction (per 1000ft above sea level)
- correction on head wind =0
- correction on tailwind (again depending on runway condition column 10, 20, 30, 40 kts tailwind as combo box)
- CG corrections (this is the center of gravity) also depending rwy conditions
- apply correction for thrust reverser inop again depending on RWY conditions
- correction for higher than normal approach speed per 5 kts
This is the EXAMPLE : Actual Landing Distance (ALD) calculation with multiple corrections
Data : LW = 62 000 kg
Landing configuration = CONF FULL
Pressure altitude = 2000 ft
Approach speed = VLS + 5 kt
Dry runway
Read from ALD table (FCOM 2.03.10 page 3),
ALD (0 ft, No wind, VLS, no reversers) = 840 m
Read from the Correction table (FCOM 2.03.10 page 3),
Pressure altitude correction : 3 x 2 = + 6 %
Speed increment correction : + 8 %
ALD (2000 ft, No wind, VLS+5kt, no reversers) = 840 x 1.06 x 1.08 = 970 m.