Finally put my species translator for bird names on the Market ( https://market.android.com/details?id=Species.Translator&feature=search_result ) and someone was so nice to mail me that the layout was wrong for the Samsung Galaxy S-2.
Grrrrrrrr and :BangHead:
So I added an AVD: 480x800 with a 240dpi (already had various sizes, all with 160dpi).
In the Designer I added a Layout Variant with the same values.
Now when I run this emulator variant the Device details in the Designer shows: 320x480, scale = 1.5(240dpi)
To be honoust I find this the most horrible part of developing, maybe I still don´t get it, ha, ha.
So my questions:
- Is it correct that the Designer shows a different size?
- I guess I have to use this size and dpi in the code in order to get it running correct on a 480x800 with 240dpi?
- Shouldn´t the text size of a View be linked to a Layout Variant?
Now it´s fixed for all Layout Variants.
Thank you very much in advance.
Finally put my species translator for bird names on the Market ( https://market.android.com/details?id=Species.Translator&feature=search_result ) and someone was so nice to mail me that the layout was wrong for the Samsung Galaxy S-2.
Grrrrrrrr and :BangHead:
So I added an AVD: 480x800 with a 240dpi (already had various sizes, all with 160dpi).
In the Designer I added a Layout Variant with the same values.
Now when I run this emulator variant the Device details in the Designer shows: 320x480, scale = 1.5(240dpi)
To be honoust I find this the most horrible part of developing, maybe I still don´t get it, ha, ha.
So my questions:
- Is it correct that the Designer shows a different size?
- I guess I have to use this size and dpi in the code in order to get it running correct on a 480x800 with 240dpi?
- Shouldn´t the text size of a View be linked to a Layout Variant?
Now it´s fixed for all Layout Variants.
Thank you very much in advance.