Leadbolt issues


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There web pages have been dog slow lately, I tired on 3 ISPs and could not login for a while numerous times the past few days.

Then you suspend apps because of invalid URLS when the URLs are fine. I think their network needs more bandwidth. I not sure if they were counting ads properly during all this my revenue dropped about 70% during these issues.

Anyone else having these problems with leadbolt? As I type this their site is working a little faster, but it comes and goes in spurts.


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I am not having as bad an issue accessing their site. I do agree that it could use some added bandwidth as sometimes the page fails to load. But a couple of refreshes later and it is back fine.

As for the URL, I'd suggest you send a mail to your AM, he/she should be able to advice on why it happens, and if it is an issue on their side, hope they will be able to sort it out.

As for ad revenue, leadbolt fluctuates a lot from day to day. Mine's been fine though so far.

Hope things get better for you soon... cheers!
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Yes, I am also facing the problem. I can't login sometimes and revenue from leadbolt is not reliable, highly fluctuating but clicks are same. I got $12 per day but now I am getting $1 :(. But getting same clicks and views. Better to search for some other networks.
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Hmm, in that case thats a big drop. I use notifications mainly, very little banner ads... the notifications are still performing great for me.

Just a thought, if the drop is just recently, then maybe it is because of the after holiday effect where ad revenues are expected to go low.

Secondly, is your app specific to a region or country? If it is, it could be that Leadbolt is out of ad inventory for that location.

Either way, if you decide to look elsewhere, goodest luck!
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hmm I am looking for other networks, i am also getting this revenue from notification ads. As I observed there is no rotation of ads. There is a constant display of single ad, for which user may not be interested to click or download, that may be reason for drop.
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