Anyone can create me a sample B4a file 1 to 3 column imageview from database blob field (like the image below)
- data should load faster
- use xcustomlistview
- data are in json encode output need to parse them
- customlistview can be set by 1 column or 3 columns
- all images are in blob field database, need to convert them to bitmap
- imageview images be download in background same concept in this link (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/imagedownloader-the-simple-way-to-download-images.30875/) for customlistview to show immediately to user without waiting.
- use OkHttpUtils2 for jobdone
- use xcustomlistview VisibleRangeChanged
Anyone can create me a sample B4a file 1 to 3 column imageview from database blob field (like the image below)
- data should load faster
- use xcustomlistview
- data are in json encode output need to parse them
- customlistview can be set by 1 column or 3 columns
- all images are in blob field database, need to convert them to bitmap
- imageview images be download in background same concept in this link (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/imagedownloader-the-simple-way-to-download-images.30875/) for customlistview to show immediately to user without waiting.
- use OkHttpUtils2 for jobdone
- use xcustomlistview VisibleRangeChanged