B4A Library [Lib] ListViewWithScrollEvents + ScrollPanel demo

During my tries to get the scrollbar position of a ListView, I made a little library. It wraps a Listview (based upon the current B4A ListView, so 100% compatible) exposing the following functions and events:

FirstVisibleItem: Gets or sets the first visible item
LastVisibleItem: Gets the last visible item

Scrolled (firstVisibleItem as Int, visibleItemCount as Int, totalItemCount as Int)
ScrollStateChanged (ScrollState as Int)

I made a demo to illustrate a possible use of these new events. With this library, creating a ScrollPanel for a ListView is fairly easy (with a limitation: the SP cannot display its text on the fastscroll button).

This library is provided as is and won't be updated (except to fix bugs). It's the remains of an abandoned work.


  • ListViewWithSE.zip
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Thanks for this.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Missing Jar file?

During my tries to get the scrollbar position of a ListView, I made a little library. It wraps a Listview (based upon the current B4A ListView, so 100% compatible) exposing the following functions and events:

FirstVisibleItem: Gets or sets the first visible item
LastVisibleItem: Gets the last visible item

Scrolled (firstVisibleItem as Int, visibleItemCount as Int, totalItemCount as Int)
ScrollStateChanged (ScrollState as Int)

I made a demo to illustrate a possible use of these new events. With this library, creating a ScrollPanel for a ListView is fairly easy (with a limitation: the SP cannot display its text on the fastscroll button).

This library is provided as is and won't be updated (except to fix bugs). It's the remains of an abandoned work.

Does anyone have the actual library for this project? It isn't in the zip file..


Licensed User
Longtime User
Okay, my apologies... yes it was in there I'd dropped straight into the folder and missed the files in the root. Thank you!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Can you demonstrate to us a quick example of the list item progressively loading items onto the list view? Is that even possible with this library?