B4A Library [Lib] UltimateListView


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1. ULV does not have an integrated TAB feature.
2. You can have different layouts for different list entries.
3. Only vertically


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ULV has no idea of the data displayed in each item. It does not prevent you from creating a pivot table but it won't do it automatically.
Does latest ULV has capability to drill down the row ?

Sorry to ask, not follow the progress of ULV, my latest version was 4.02, which I think don't have a drill down feature, or does it?

Btw, I am very satisfied with ULV, do you have a plan to port it to ABMaterial?


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When people ask me for support, they often send me code pasted in the email. Most of the time, this code is difficult to read because the indentation is lost, there is no syntax highlighting and some parts are missing. Besides, I can't try this code. SO PLEASE, STOP SENDING ME PASTED CODE. Send me your project instead, or a simplified project that reproduces the error. I can sign a non-disclosure agreement if you wish, but stop sending me only a few lines (it's not uncommon that the problem lies in the remaining code).


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I'm in the process of installing ULV, but have a couple of problems. The installation guide says:

2) Unzip the ULV package, and unzip all the files in the “Libraries” folder and its subfolders - done, but why are there zip files within a zip file?
3) Copy all JAR files and XML documents to the folder of additional libraries of B4A. - Do I just copy all files to the 'additional libraries' folder, or do I need to maintain the directory structure?

Apologies if this should be obvious, but I'm new to B4A and have no idea how things work as yet.


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1) Support is only provided by email.
2) The main archive of ULV, the one that you downloaded, contains other libraries required by the examples and these libraries are as they can be found in the forum, in their original zip archive.
3) In the lib folder, files are ignored if you place them in a subfolder. So don't create subfolders.
In brief, you just have to unzip all zip containing a .jar and a .xml in the additional lib folder of B4A.

Duncan H Williamson

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Do you accept cryptocurrencies? ETH, BTC, ... ?


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Reminder: Support is only provided by email.
There's an example of Tree and many examples using a SQlite DB in the provided examples, but not an example of Tree using a DB. That being said, ULV does not care about the source of data so merging both cases is very easy.


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Hi Fred,

I think there is a small bug in ULV: V4.4

If you load a layout, then create a HSV just below a TextField, the textfield is disable....
Like this :

descsample_txt will be disabled...


    Dim VertPos As Int
    'descsample_txt is the last textfield
    VertPos= descsample_txt.Top +descsample_txt.Height -50dip

    VertPos= VertPos + 5dip

    Activity.AddView(HSV, 0dip, VertPos, 100%x, 100%y )
        Dim jHSV As JavaObject = HSV
        jHSV.RunMethod("setOverScrollMode", Array As Object(2)) '2 = OVER_SCROLL_NEVER
        'Not allowed by the OS
        Log("Cannot disable the over-scroll")
    End Try

    Dim LeftPos As Int =0dip
    For i = 0 To Widths.Length -1
        Dim cd As ColorDrawable
        cd.Initialize(Colors.RGB(255,170,0), 0dip)
        cd.Initialize(Main.SGS_GREY_COLOR, 0dip)
        Dim tFace As Typeface
        tFace = Typeface.CreateNew(Typeface.SANS_SERIF, Typeface.STYLE_BOLD)

        lblH(i).Color = Colors.Transparent
        lblH(i).Background = cd
        lblH(i).TextColor = Colors.White
        lblH(i).Typeface= tFace
        lblH(i).TextSize = 18

        lblH(i).Gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL + Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL
        Select i
            Case 0:
            lblH(i).Text = "N°"
            lblH(i).Tag = "numero"
            Case 1:
            lblH(i).Text = "Analyse"
            lblH(i).Tag = "analyse"
            Case 2:
            lblH(i).Text = "Resultat"
            lblH(i).tag = "resultat"
            Case 3:
            lblH(i).Text = "Type/Unité"
            lblH(i).tag = "Unite"
        End Select
        lblH(i).Tag = i
        pnlHeader.AddView(lblH(i), LeftPos + Bit.ShiftRight(DividerWidth, 1), 0, Widths(i) - DividerWidth, HeaderHeight)
        LeftPos = LeftPos + Widths(i)
    HSV.Panel.AddView(pnlHeader, 0, HeaderHeight, nTotWidth , 50dip)

    'Initializes an ULV_FixedCol and enables its fast scroller
    ULV_FixedCol.Initialize(0, 0, "", "ULV_FixedCol")
    ULV_FixedCol.DividerHeight = 0
    ULV_FixedCol.AddRowLayout("VIEW_FIXED", "Fixed_RowLayoutCreator", "Fixed_RowContentFiller", 60dip, 1, Array As Int(100dip), DividerWidth , Colors.gray, True)
    ULV_FixedCol.BulkAddItems(ListResults.Size, "VIEW_FIXED", 0)

    Dim MenuHeader =0dip As Int

    ULV.Initialize(0, 0, "", "ULV")
    ULV.DividerHeight = 0
    'Creates a layout for the header
    ULV.AddLayout("TABLE_HEADER", "Header_LayoutCreator", "Header_ContentFiller", HeaderHeight, False)

    ULV.AddRowLayout("TABLE_ROW", "Cell_RowLayoutCreator", "Cell_RowContentFiller", 60dip,4, Widths, DividerWidth, Colors.Black, True)

    VertPos = VertPos + HeaderHeight + 50dip

    HSV.Panel.AddView(ULV, 0dip, HeaderHeight+ pnlHeader.Height, nTotWidth   , 100%y - VertPos )


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Sorry but I don't see the relationship with ULV. If your textfield is disabled, that cannot be because of ULV or HSV, only because of your code. ULV and HSV have no control over the other views of your activity (and they don't attempt to). Are you sure that you enabled the TextView in the designer?


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Sorry Fred, but the textfield is enabled, but after instanciating HSV, it is disabled, and by the way if I add more space between this textfield and HSV, it's fine like this:

'VertPos= descsample_txt.Top +descsample_txt.Height -50dip
' More Space :
VertPos= descsample_txt.Top +descsample_txt.Height -20dip


Licensed User
Longtime User
So you probably covered the textfield with the HSV in your layout.
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