Android Question libGDX Renderer issue


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Hi, I have a small app based on one of Informatix's examples but have a problem with the bodies. I have created a body with the Physic Body Editor and it displays and works correctly in my app apart from the constructed polygons (that is, the Body) showing on top of the image. If I set up the debug Renderer as below then the body doesn't display BUT then all the bodies don't display either, defeating the object of the app. Can anyone tell me how to display the bodies but without the constructed polygons?

Render.Initialise2(False, False, False, True, False, False)

In this link

it says that the DebugRenderer is only used in the development stage and not in the released version of the app. So what Renderer do I use?

Ok, I have solved the problem. I had created the bodies that show in the DebugRender mode and didn't understand how to remove them as when, I commented out the "Renderer.Render" code, some of my bodies disappeared. With some research, I realised that I had inadvertantly caused the problem by not adding an image or texture to all my bodies. Now, when the "Renderer.Render" code is commented out, only the images are visible (no polygons!!! :)) and the app works the way it is supposed to. Yippee!

Ah the joy of learning something new every day!
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