B4A Library Library CreditCard Indonesian

Hi all. This library is dedicated Indonesian business, or business that at least have a branch that located in Indonesia.
Look VeriTrans for another information.

Version: 1
  • ReturnTransactionCard
    • IsInitialized As Boolean
      Tests whether the object has been initialized.
    • ReturnValueTransaction As String
    • Initialize
      Initializes the fields to their default value.
  • creditcards
    • IsInitialized As Boolean
      Tests whether the object has been initialized.
    • initialize(Environment As String, MerchantID As String, Server_key As String, Client_Key As String) As String
      You have 4 Parameters:
      environment ---> value: "sandbox" for testing - "live" for production
      MerchantID ---> value: MerchantID that you see in your Dashboard (https://my.sandbox.veritrans.co.id/settings/config_info)
      Server_key = ---> value: Server Key that you see in your Dashboard (https://my.sandbox.veritrans.co.id/settings/config_info)
      Client_key = ---> value: Client Key that you see in your Dashboard (https://my.sandbox.veritrans.co.id/settings/config_info)
      Dim environment, MerchantID, Server_key, Client_key as String

      environment = "sandbox"
      MerchantID = "M046371"
      Server_Key = "VT-server-mRAynnwv7aBrnN9zOEWHag0X"
      Client_key = "VT-client-pGTeGc90R5z0JgXG"
      Dim TransactionCC As creditcard
      TransactionCC.Initialize( environment, MerchantID, Server_Key, Client_key)
      End Sub
    • DetailCreditCard(card_number As String, card_exp_month As String, card_exp_year As String, card_cvv As String, amount As Int, Product As String, Module As Object, EventName As String) As String
      You have 6 Parameters:
      Dim card_number, card_exp_month, card_exp_year , card_cvv, Product As String
      Dim amount As Int

      card_number = "4111111111111111"
      card_exp_month = "06"
      card_exp_year = "2016"
      card_cvv = "678"
      amount = 13000 ' ---> Dont Forget this is in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) - 1 $ = 14,285 IDR - 1 € = 16,666 IDR
      Product = "Donation" ' ---> or "App" or anything description this description you have on site
      TransactionCC.DetailCreditCard(card_number, card_exp_month, card_exp_year, card_cvv, amount, Product, Me, "check_transaction" )
      Sub check_transaction( ReturnValueCard As ReturnTransactionCard)
      Return "Accept" or "Deny"
      If ReturnValueCard.ReturnValueTransaction = "Accept" Then
      LogColor(ReturnValueCard.ReturnValueTransaction, Colors.Red)
      End If
      End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim environment, MerchantID, Server_key, Client_key As String

environment = "live"
MerchantID = "M046374"
Server_key = "VT-server-Joj1mPvKTVASrgNj7yag0dU6" '"VT-server-mRAynnwv7aBrnN9zOEWHag0J"
Client_key = "VT-client-ax4ug1ZOdPpFk6-T" '"VT-client-pGTeGc90R5z0JgXP"
Dim TransactionCC As creditcards
TransactionCC.Initialize( environment, MerchantID, Server_key, Client_key)

Dim card_number, card_exp_month, card_exp_year , card_cvv, Product As String
Dim amount As Int

card_number = "4030270952413586"
card_exp_month = "11"
card_exp_year = "2016"
card_cvv = "439"
amount = 11000 ' ---> This is donation for 3 Euro  - 1 € = 16,666 IDR
Product = "Donation" ' ---> or "App" or anything description this description you have on site
TransactionCC.DetailCreditCard(card_number, card_exp_month, card_exp_year, card_cvv, amount, Product, Me, "check_transaction" )

End Sub

Sub check_transaction( ReturnValueCard As ReturnTransactionCard)
    'Accept or Deny
    If ReturnValueCard.ReturnValueTransaction = "Accept" Then
        LogColor(ReturnValueCard.ReturnValueTransaction, Colors.Red)
    End If
End Sub

The library is not free. You need to donate as low as 5€ to get the library.
You'll get a zip file containing:
2.Example B4A
To send the money, just click on the Donate button below (the amount to enter is in euros).



Licensed User
Longtime User
This is a very old library (2015). It has not been updated anymore.
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