Hi everyone,
I have taken it upon myself to document B4A. You may have seen another thread where I show an example of the format I am using.
Some people may be offended that a newbie such as myself has stuck his nose [possibly] where it does not belong. If that is you, I apologise.
I just want all of us to have the best possible chance of doing the best possible job, with the best possible tools, in the best possible time. I am sure that we have really good tools, but in my opinion, some of the documentation is hard to find, or quite simply, incomplete.
The problem I have is that for me to do this myself, it is just too big, and in all likelihood by the time it's finished, everything will have changed, and I will have to start again.
So, I am hopeful that seeing as you all got in and built these great libraries [mostly] for free in the first place, you would hopefully assist me to make them easier for everyone to use.
If you want to help, what I require from you is the same level of documentation for each method, property, class and object as each other.
That means that every Property gets a description and a usage example, every Method gets a description and a usage example, every Object gets a description and a usage example and every Type gets a description and a usage example, etc etc.
If we all get in and do this, the documentation will take on a very standardised look and feel, thus allowing everyone to easily understand how to find the particular information they require. This should decrease development time, increase development quality, increase takeup and hopefully, keep B4A the leading [third party] development tool for Android.
My role in this is to essentially project manage it. I will collate the information, sort through it to ensure everything is provided, standardise the language and grammar, fix any spelling mistakes, and basically ensure that what we (the community) end up with is of a very high quality standard.
At the outset I will provide anyone that wants to help with a skeleton/sample document as a pdf. It will be up to you to fill in the blanks.
I would like to receive all documentation as a text file only. That way, there is no version compatibility problem with the tools we each have. You can provide a text file per object, a text file per library, or just one text file with everything in it.
If you need to provide screenshots, please provide them as 16, 24 or 32 bit colour png's, at 100% sizing. Please do not resize them as I will lose scale information. You will also need to name them appropriately so that I can position them in the document in the correct location.
Please provide a reply by PM if you want to help. Once I receive your offer of assistance, I will take a short while to put your document together, but I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Thanks very much everyone for taking the time to read this. Remember, B4A rules! :sign0188:
I have taken it upon myself to document B4A. You may have seen another thread where I show an example of the format I am using.
Some people may be offended that a newbie such as myself has stuck his nose [possibly] where it does not belong. If that is you, I apologise.
I just want all of us to have the best possible chance of doing the best possible job, with the best possible tools, in the best possible time. I am sure that we have really good tools, but in my opinion, some of the documentation is hard to find, or quite simply, incomplete.
The problem I have is that for me to do this myself, it is just too big, and in all likelihood by the time it's finished, everything will have changed, and I will have to start again.
So, I am hopeful that seeing as you all got in and built these great libraries [mostly] for free in the first place, you would hopefully assist me to make them easier for everyone to use.
If you want to help, what I require from you is the same level of documentation for each method, property, class and object as each other.
That means that every Property gets a description and a usage example, every Method gets a description and a usage example, every Object gets a description and a usage example and every Type gets a description and a usage example, etc etc.
If we all get in and do this, the documentation will take on a very standardised look and feel, thus allowing everyone to easily understand how to find the particular information they require. This should decrease development time, increase development quality, increase takeup and hopefully, keep B4A the leading [third party] development tool for Android.
My role in this is to essentially project manage it. I will collate the information, sort through it to ensure everything is provided, standardise the language and grammar, fix any spelling mistakes, and basically ensure that what we (the community) end up with is of a very high quality standard.
At the outset I will provide anyone that wants to help with a skeleton/sample document as a pdf. It will be up to you to fill in the blanks.
I would like to receive all documentation as a text file only. That way, there is no version compatibility problem with the tools we each have. You can provide a text file per object, a text file per library, or just one text file with everything in it.
If you need to provide screenshots, please provide them as 16, 24 or 32 bit colour png's, at 100% sizing. Please do not resize them as I will lose scale information. You will also need to name them appropriately so that I can position them in the document in the correct location.
Please provide a reply by PM if you want to help. Once I receive your offer of assistance, I will take a short while to put your document together, but I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Thanks very much everyone for taking the time to read this. Remember, B4A rules! :sign0188: