ListView Returned Value Questions


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Let's say I have a ListView called "MyList" and I add a single line as follows

MyList.AddSingleLine2(SomeText, Rslt)

As I understand it, "Rslt" should be an Object.

How do I provide the Object that should be returned when this item is selected?
Do I provide the Object to be returned as a literal string, a string stored in a variable or what?

If the Object returned is an activity, am I correct in assuming that I use "StartActivity" to call the Object?



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Below is a sample from the help file. Seems you pass what you wish for the result. In the sample they passed 1 as Int.

AddSingleLine2 (Text As String, ReturnValue As Object)
Adds a single line item.
The specified return value will be returned when calling GetItem or in the ItemClick event.
ListView1.AddSingleLine2("Sunday", 1)
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