loading image to BitmapEx from 'array as byte'


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how can i do it without saving image to file? i'm recive this image with NetUDP as bytes and place to array.but i must load this to BitmapEx object


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Depends upon what format the data is in. If it is a bmp or jpg file sent as a stream of bytes then it is easiest to re-save it to a file and load it from there. If it is raw pixel RGB data then you could reassemle it into pixels and write it to a BitmapEx of the correct size using SetLockedPixel.


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yes,it is a bitmap image (i'm get it from WebCam with your lib).
saving to file and then load-it is so slow,i'm need a fast method (i'm receive image every 300ms)
i'm found this method(draw from bytes) in Alpha.dll but this lib have a conflict with ImageLibEx (with name of object)
can you add new method to your lib?


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yes,it is a bitmap image
:confused: That's obvious but you haven't said whether it is formatted or raw pixel data.

If you are on the desktop you could use GDI+Desktop instead of ImageLibEx. This does not have an Alpha object which I assume is what the conflict is.


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i have a new problem)))))how can i convert image(bitmap from bitmapex object) to bites(for send) without writing to file(amd reading with bin object).this method is slow,i'm need a fast method!


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big thanks Andrew


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i'm try send photo with network dll but...
please correct me.in my sample received image is broken


  • fire.JPG
    3.9 KB · Views: 209
  • NetDemo_bitmap.sbp
    8.7 KB · Views: 253


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any ideas? it is for my diplom and it is very important
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Longtime User
The problem is most probably the way you are receiving the data. Your code is expecting it to all arrive at once and it won't. TCP/IP is a stream protocol not a block protocol so not all the data is guaranteed to arrive at once. You are trying to receive 49Kbytes which will need at least 32 Ethernet packets. You need to buffer up the received data on successive reads until you have the correct number and only then try to convert the bitmap. The number you give to ReadBytes is the maximum number of bytes that it will read but if the stream is empty because not all the data has arrived it will return less. You can see the number of bytes actually read from the return value of ReadBytes, use this to determine where in the buffer to save the data from the next read.