LoadLayout2 suggestion


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With classes it is interesting to have some other options around.

Right now for me, major thing is with view.loadlayout

It does the work right loading the layout and creating the events on the current class that the command was called.

However, i am trying to create classes that are like an framework to have minimal code on the main activity. Only what is really different for that activity is implemented, specially related with visual.

So, my suggestion is to have an LoadLayout2(Layout as String, Module as Object) where the Module will be the target for the events created.

For example, for use of slinding panels I load a lot of layouts, each on the different panel. That is automated by a Class. However the class do not know the views that are loading and the events related. So, if it just pass the module the events will go to the right place.

I hope i was clear!
