I,m not sure if I'm allowed to ask this in this forum, if not delete my message.
I need a simple Miles per Gallon calculator.
I was thinking,
2 input boxes ,1 for volume and 1 for distance.
1 output box for the calculation.
1 Calc button to process the calculation.
I would also like a simple onscreen input pad, big enought to use your fingers on screen. Numbers 0 - 9, decimal not important.
I have a win ce5 ppc device ( A hacked touch screen GPS)
A single .exe file would be great.
If this is not the right forum for this request, please direct me to where I could ask for such a project.
PM if you have questions.
I,m not sure if I'm allowed to ask this in this forum, if not delete my message.
I need a simple Miles per Gallon calculator.
I was thinking,
2 input boxes ,1 for volume and 1 for distance.
1 output box for the calculation.
1 Calc button to process the calculation.
I would also like a simple onscreen input pad, big enought to use your fingers on screen. Numbers 0 - 9, decimal not important.
I have a win ce5 ppc device ( A hacked touch screen GPS)
A single .exe file would be great.
If this is not the right forum for this request, please direct me to where I could ask for such a project.
PM if you have questions.