Android Question Looking to stop standard alarm app from changing alarm volume level


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I developed an app in B4A that allows the user to change volumes but the standard alarm app over-rides the volume level that my app sets. Is there a way to prevent the standard alarm app from doing this?

I used the following code to change the alarm volume level:

thePhone.SetVolume(thePhone.VOLUME_ALARM, 0, False)

The above code sets the volume level to 0. When the standard alarm app produces an alarm, the sound of that alarm is heard. I want to prevent that from happening.

I even tried using other volume apps that other people made and the same problem happens. As an example, I used the A-Volume app to bring the alarm volume down to 0 but the alarm still sounded from the clock app.

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Well-Known Member
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Hi KMatle,

Is there a way to stop the clock app from changing the volume? In my app there is a section that changes the alarm volume and later puts it back to it's original volume level.
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Well-Known Member
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Hi KMatle,

Could you show a code example of listening to the Alarm volume? Maybe I can change the volume level when the clock app uses the Alarm volume.

Thanks so much.
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