Android Question Many ways to skin a cat!


As a novice to this language I've been experimenting with arrays, lists, CVLS and more but I can't reach my goal.
I'm seeking advice as to the best approach to what I'm trying to do:

I select 'names' from a database and they become checkbox values on a CLV. (done and works)
These can be checked or not.
This layout also asks for two inputs (text fields).

A submit button will then insert into a sqlite database table each value that is ticked plus the values in the text fields (for each entry)

What is the best approach?

Cheers, in advance.

Alexander Stolte

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Longtime User
A submit button will then insert into a sqlite database table each value that is ticked plus the values in the text fields (for each entry)

What is the best approach?
You go through each item in the list, check if the checkbox is "True" and make an insert of the name + the 2 text fields.
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