I found a behavior that seems me incorrect i.e. I have a map where every items is an array. When I take an element and I edit this, the changes also happens on the map:
For i=0 To nElem -1
field = Elem.Get(i)
Log("******************** " & field(3))
If Right(field(3),1) = "M" Then field(3) = Left(field(3),field(3).Length-1)
field = Elem.Get(i)
Log("++++++++++++++++++++ " & field(3))
The log is:
******************** TM
++++++++++++++++++++ T
******************** B
++++++++++++++++++++ B
******************** T
++++++++++++++++++++ T
******************** NM
++++++++++++++++++++ N
******************** DNM
++++++++++++++++++++ DN
Why this?
Best regards
John Rossati
I found a behavior that seems me incorrect i.e. I have a map where every items is an array. When I take an element and I edit this, the changes also happens on the map:
For i=0 To nElem -1
field = Elem.Get(i)
Log("******************** " & field(3))
If Right(field(3),1) = "M" Then field(3) = Left(field(3),field(3).Length-1)
field = Elem.Get(i)
Log("++++++++++++++++++++ " & field(3))
The log is:
******************** TM
++++++++++++++++++++ T
******************** B
++++++++++++++++++++ B
******************** T
++++++++++++++++++++ T
******************** NM
++++++++++++++++++++ N
******************** DNM
++++++++++++++++++++ DN
Why this?
Best regards
John Rossati