Martian Time is a time keeper for time on the planet Mars designed for those who wish to monitor time at specific landmarks, such as Olympus Mons or Mars rover sites.
Martian time does not only compute the major martian time definitions but also provides Solar and Terran longitudes, latitudes, hour angles, azimuths and altitudes, etc, for selected landmarks as if observed on Mars.
In addition, a full set of Mars ephemerides with reference to Earth is computed for real-time. Select one from 12 available surface map textures for the rotatable Mars globe and popular landmarks from a list of approximately 50 locations, including rover sites.
Martian Time employs the algorithm of Mars24, a Java applet developed by NASA/GISS and is therefore believed to be highly accurate provided your phone's time and timezone are set correctly. The author is grateful to Jim Brown for providing the OpenGL ES routines for the 3D Mars globe.
* Local Time/Phone System Time
* Universal Time, GMT or UTC
* Coordinated Mars Time, MTC
* Local Mean Zone Time, LMZT
* Local Mean Solar Time, LMST
* Local True Solar Time, LTST
* Definitions for Mars times
* Twelve surface map textures
* Approx. 50 landmarks with data
- Day & night terminator map
- Position of Sun and Earth:
- longitude, latitude
- azimuth, altitude
- hour angle, sidereal time, etc.
* Mars ephemerides
* Mars elongation chart
Available on the Market:
Martian time does not only compute the major martian time definitions but also provides Solar and Terran longitudes, latitudes, hour angles, azimuths and altitudes, etc, for selected landmarks as if observed on Mars.
In addition, a full set of Mars ephemerides with reference to Earth is computed for real-time. Select one from 12 available surface map textures for the rotatable Mars globe and popular landmarks from a list of approximately 50 locations, including rover sites.
Martian Time employs the algorithm of Mars24, a Java applet developed by NASA/GISS and is therefore believed to be highly accurate provided your phone's time and timezone are set correctly. The author is grateful to Jim Brown for providing the OpenGL ES routines for the 3D Mars globe.
* Local Time/Phone System Time
* Universal Time, GMT or UTC
* Coordinated Mars Time, MTC
* Local Mean Zone Time, LMZT
* Local Mean Solar Time, LMST
* Local True Solar Time, LTST
* Definitions for Mars times
* Twelve surface map textures
* Approx. 50 landmarks with data
- Day & night terminator map
- Position of Sun and Earth:
- longitude, latitude
- azimuth, altitude
- hour angle, sidereal time, etc.
* Mars ephemerides
* Mars elongation chart
Available on the Market: