Still working on a library to control the ambient mode of a wearable app, I constructed a jar file with two classes (see attached). Class wearambient extends WearableActivity including a constructor and a method which calls super method setAmbientEnabled. Class wearobject includes a method which intitalizes an instance of wearambient class and calls this method.
These are called in Activity create at FirstTime:
The app compiles and does not crash, but does not setAmbientEnabled either. I thought that the instance would inherit this method, it does not seem so.
Thanks for your help, Louis
These are called in Activity create at FirstTime:
Sub Process_Globals
Dim Wear As wearobject
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
If FirstTime Then
End If
The app compiles and does not crash, but does not setAmbientEnabled either. I thought that the instance would inherit this method, it does not seem so.
Thanks for your help, Louis