It uses more power app with a white background or black background ?
If so what would be the difference (in percentage) ?
Someone is able, eventually, to try to measure the micro-microampere consumption of simple app below, in two different states (white / black) ?
Of course, disabling the network, wifi, bluetooth and every possible cause of consumption different from the app itself.
I would understand if, in developing an app that saves the battery AT MOST, you must pick the black background, or if it is indifferent.
I know that in ebook readers such a question would not make sense, but in the smartphone ....
Thanks in advance for the unusual request.
If so what would be the difference (in percentage) ?
Someone is able, eventually, to try to measure the micro-microampere consumption of simple app below, in two different states (white / black) ?
Sub process_Globals
End Sub
Sub Globals
Dim panel1 As Panel
Dim BN As Boolean
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Activity.AddView (panel1,0,0,100%x,100%y)
panel1.Color = Colors.White
BN = False
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub panel1_click
If BN = False Then
panel1.Color = Colors.white
BN = True
panel1.Color = Colors.Black
BN = False
End If
End Sub
Of course, disabling the network, wifi, bluetooth and every possible cause of consumption different from the app itself.
I would understand if, in developing an app that saves the battery AT MOST, you must pick the black background, or if it is indifferent.
I know that in ebook readers such a question would not make sense, but in the smartphone ....
Thanks in advance for the unusual request.