Mini USB-Sized PC for£15 / $25

Jim Brown

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Longtime User
I really like the idea of this project from David Braben (famed developer from the 80's - with games such as Elite)

David wants to bring focus back to understanding computers and the scientific nature of their operation, pretty much like in the early days when home computers like the ZX81 came on the scene

This device will rely on an O/S such as Ubuntu being on a removable SD card

+ USB stick sized footprint
+ 700Mhz CPU,
+ OpenGL graphics chip (with 1080p video playback)
+ 128MB Ram
+ USB port
+ HDMI port
+ SD Card slot
+ Price: Expected around £15/$2


(NOTE: The black box in the middle is an optional 12MP camera)

SITE: Raspberry Pi Foundation

VIDEO: YouTube - Raspberry Pi - the £15 computer
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