Android Code Snippet minor fix to GoogleDrive API for folder names with apostrophes

I've been using the GoogleDrive API (created by @mw71 and updated by @fredo) to help my app back up files to Google Drive. Works well.

However, I discovered that folder names with embedded apostrophes (e.g. Dave's Note 10) cause an error because the apostrophe is also used as a delimiter in the SearchForFolderID sub:

        H_SFO.Download2("", _
             Array As String("access_token", myAccessToken, _
                             "corpora", "user", _
                             "q",$"mimeType='application/' and name='${SearchFolder}' and trashed=false"$))

Luckily, B4X smart string literals let us embed quotes, so I replaced the apostrophes around the SearchFolder with quotes and it now allows embedded apostrophes just fine:

        H_SFO.Download2("", _
             Array As String("access_token", myAccessToken, _
                             "corpora", "user", _
                             "q",$"mimeType='application/' and name="${SearchFolder}" and trashed=false"$))

Hope this helps!