[Solved] Missing Assembly Reference 
Hello, I've some problems, it worked since yesterday and now it doesn't work, It didn't work with OpenNETCF too...
And I just copied my Dll files and not the source code...
I copied this assembly everywhere (Program Files>Basic4PPC, My app folder, TZor, Librairie, NETCF2.0 folder...) but it doesn't work and it worked before...
What can I do?
Thanks for your replies!
Source code:
MAPIDotnet is copied in a lot of folders coz apparently it doesn't work so maybe I forgot a folder?
Hello, I've some problems, it worked since yesterday and now it doesn't work, It didn't work with OpenNETCF too...
And I just copied my Dll files and not the source code...
I copied this assembly everywhere (Program Files>Basic4PPC, My app folder, TZor, Librairie, NETCF2.0 folder...) but it doesn't work and it worked before...
What can I do?
Thanks for your replies!
Source code:
using System;
using MAPIdotnet;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SMS
public class OutilsSim
IMAPIFolder dossier = null;
public TableSortOrder TriPlusPetitAuPlusGrand = TableSortOrder.TABLE_SORT_ASCEND;
public TableSortOrder TriPlusGrandAuPlusPatit = TableSortOrder.TABLE_SORT_DESCEND;
public TableSortOrder TriNormal = TableSortOrder.TABLE_SORT_COMBINE;
MAPI mapi = new MAPI();
String[] envoyeur;
String[] msg;
String[] dates;
public void RefreshSMS(String Dossier,String Tri,TableSortOrder Ordre)
IMAPIMsgStore[] messageStores = mapi.MessageStores;
for (int b = 0; b < messageStores.Length; b++)
IMAPIMsgStore store = messageStores[b];
if (store.DisplayName == @"SMS")
if (Dossier == "recu")
dossier = store.ReceiveFolder.OpenFolder();
else if (Dossier == "envoyé")
dossier = store.OutboxFolder.OpenFolder();
dossier = store.TrashFolder.OpenFolder();
trier(Tri, Ordre);
// MessageBox.Show("a");
IMAPIMessage[] messages = dossier.GetNextMessages((int)dossier.NumSubItems);
// MessageBox.Show("b");
msg = new String[messages.Length];
envoyeur = new String[messages.Length];
dates = new String[messages.Length];
for (int a = 0; a < messages.Length; a++)
b = messageStores.Length;
public String[] SMSMessage(String Quoi)
if (Quoi == "envoyeur")
return envoyeur;
else if (Quoi == "msg")
return msg;
return dates;
public void trier(String tri, TableSortOrder Ordre)
if (tri != "")
if (tri == "envoyeur")
else if (tri == "date")
else if (tri == "taille")
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