Forgive me if this has been answered (i searched the forum for anything close...)
I am using Epson Moverio Glasses and it has an unconventional way of setting the activity to full screen (I tried the conventional Android ways...manifest , etc.. )
From Epson's docs for Android:
Application can use full screen with the following setting.
Implement the following lines in each Activity onCreate():
Window win = getWindow();
WindowManager.LayoutParams winParams = win.getAttributes();
winParams.flags |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SMARTFULLSCREEN;
This is as far as I have gotten with B4A...
Dim rWin As Reflector
rWin.Target = rWin.GetActivity
Dim Window As JavaObject = rWin.RunMethod("getWindow")
Some direction to continue would be appreciated
I am using Epson Moverio Glasses and it has an unconventional way of setting the activity to full screen (I tried the conventional Android ways...manifest , etc.. )
From Epson's docs for Android:
Application can use full screen with the following setting.
Implement the following lines in each Activity onCreate():
Window win = getWindow();
WindowManager.LayoutParams winParams = win.getAttributes();
winParams.flags |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SMARTFULLSCREEN;
This is as far as I have gotten with B4A...
Dim rWin As Reflector
rWin.Target = rWin.GetActivity
Dim Window As JavaObject = rWin.RunMethod("getWindow")
Some direction to continue would be appreciated