it is a wrapper for mpu6050 library modified for ESP8266 compatibility from Emanuele Buchicchio
this wrapper provide on B4R interface, all functions of this library available in Arduino.
this wrapper provide 2 class:
- mpu6050 with all functions
- mpu6050_data with all parameters needed to manage the library
several examples B4R are added, based on examples.ino
GitHub - emanbuc/ESP8266_MPU6050: MPU6050 library modified for ESP8266 compatibility
MPU6050 library modified for ESP8266 compatibility - emanbuc/ESP8266_MPU6050
this wrapper provide on B4R interface, all functions of this library available in Arduino.
this wrapper provide 2 class:
- mpu6050 with all functions
- mpu6050_data with all parameters needed to manage the library
several examples B4R are added, based on examples.ino