B4R Question Mqtt & B4RSerializator

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Hello, I have created a project that through Mqtt connects an app B4A, B4J and B4R. Ve versions B4A and B4J work perfectly using the B4xSerializator.
With B4R I have problems, I connect to the Broker Mqtt without problems, but I do not receive data, as I cannot transform the Payload into an Object of received data.

I tried with the B4RSerializator.bas module, but it gives me error in the imported module.

Sub Mqtt_MessageArrived (Topic As String, Payload() As Byte)

    Type TipoRX (VAlore1 As String, Valore2 As String, Valore3 As String)
    Dim ValTypeRx As TipoRX

    Dim data() As Object = Serzt.ConvertBytesToArray(Payload,data)

    ValTypeRx ????

End Sub

Thanks Marco


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I partially solved it by inserting the B4RSerializator.bas, but it gives me a series of errors that are not to solve.
I enclose code and imagine errors. Where am I wrong?

Thank you

Sub Process_Globals
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    Public WiFi As ESP8266WiFi
    Public ESP8266 As ESP8266
    Private mqtt As MqttClient
    Public WiFiClient As WiFiSocket
    Private username As String = "*****"
    Private passWD As String = "*****"

    Type TipoTab (Val1 As String, Val2 As String, Val3)
    Dim ValTypeRx As TipoTab
    Dim ValTypeTx As TipoTab
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
    If WiFi.Connect2(************", "**********") Then
        Log("Connected to : ", "WiFi")
        Dim serverIp() As Byte = Array As Byte(192, 168, 1, 31)
        Log("my IP : ", WiFi.LocalIp)
        mqtt.Initialize(WiFiClient.Stream, serverIp, 28029, "wemos_client", "Mqtt_MessageArrived", "Mqtt_Disconnected")
        Log("Failed to connect.")
    End If
End Sub

Sub Connect(unused As Byte)
    Dim mo As MqttConnectOptions
    Log("Mqtt Inizialize")

    If mqtt.Connect2(mo) = False Then
        Log("Trying to connect again")
        CallSubPlus("Connect", 1000, 0)
    End If

    Log("Connected to broker")
    mqtt.Subscribe("MSE24_Dt", 0)
End Sub

Sub Mqtt_Disconnected
End Sub

Sub Mqtt_MessageArrived (Topic As String, Payload() As Byte)

    Dim obj As Object = Serializator.ConvertBytesToObject(Payload)

    If obj Is TipoTab Then
    End If

End Sub

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The errors are those in red in the photo.
In the Form B4RSerializator.bas

Maybe some library is missing? If so, which one ?

Thank you so much
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Mark Read

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I don't see what version of B4R you are using but if you look at the link in my previous post, you will see that you do not need the "B4RSerializator.bas" file as B4RSerializator is included in rRandomAccessFile library. The B4RSerializator.bas file is used in the B4A code.
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Mark Read

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I am not sure but I think out is a reserved word in B4R. Why are you not using raf as in the many tutorials?
Private raf As RandomAccessFile

I would really recommend that you read the tutorial I have posted twice here and maybe the MQTT tutorial (Link) again.

If after all that, you are still having problems, then post your project and erros and you will get more help.
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Now I see your problem.
You should not use the B4RSerializator.bas file.

From B4R v1.50 is included a new type named B4RSerializator (in rRandomAccessFile library).
So just use this
Sub Process_Globals
    Private ser As B4RSerializator
End Sub
and the functions
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