Mud Client for ppc hires (HTC HD2)


Licensed User
This is a Mud client for allowing you to connect to a Multi- User Dungeon text rpg games, which currently is designed for HTC HD2, so im not sure if it will work on other phones with low res yet, also i wanted to make as finger friendly as possible.

This is alpha testing at the moment so please do expect lots of bugs etc and this only fully works on discworld mud so far which is my testing mud, i havent tested many others yet.

Features 1.00:
- Custom command buttons for inputing any alias/cmd
- exit button, to disconnect safely from mud and shutdown program
- User input feedback displayed
- Removed ansi jargon and security messages
- Disconnection/Connection messages


This list is exhaustive.... new interface, image buttons, optimized, ansi support (if possible).

This is my first ever personal project for basic4ppc, because this is not for commercial use and i built it primarily for my phone becuause i have had musch fun chatting with people using this very program in a multi user environment. ive released the source to this, but if you intend using it in your work then please give credit for the hard work that I put into this.

Please let me know what you think, ideas to add to it, bugs, how to improve etc...


-Compiled version (need to sort rescaling on form will reupload when I get to my pc), also source included.. you will need network and binary library to compile.


  • Mudclient
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Active Member
Licensed User
Hello Dave,

Looks good :)

My first comment is to just move Form1.Show to before your connection code in Sub App_Start. At the moment, if the connection is not established, the form is never shown; therefore the user will never get the 'Could not connect to server' message...


Licensed User
Hello Dave,

Looks good :)

My first comment is to just move Form1.Show to before your connection code in Sub App_Start. At the moment, if the connection is not established, the form is never shown; therefore the user will never get the 'Could not connect to server' message...

Good advice, I didnt see that, which device did you run it on may I ask?


Active Member
Licensed User
...which device did you run it on may I ask?

:eek: Oh, I didn't, I just looked through your source code. It runs OK in the IDE on the desktop too.

Also, at the moment you are just using the libraries supplied with Basic4PPC - but remember if you use any by the Forum Contributors, they are not to be distributed unless you have explicit permission from the author(s). So your zip should include any pictures, icons, bitmaps etc. but not libraries. All of us registered users will have them already. ;)


Licensed User
ok cheers for that... I dont want to get done lol....:sign0013:, il take the libraries out of the file.