

Well-Known Member
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algorithm for an all inclusive calendar of holidays.

So ... let's say :
Every country {approx 256};
Estimate {15 per annum on average}
Every religion {make a guess 5000}
Estimate {5 per annum on average}
A random number for unintimated special interest groups
How many holidays:
nSIG = {guesstimated value}

Htot = ((ctry * ctry_est) +(reli*reli_est) + (RAND(nSIG)))

SOMEONE do the math....

Maybe it would be
 Today is? :: look_up_table :: map_holidays :: RESULT(and has these {Htot} holidays)

William Lancee

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
1. there are 366 possible dates for a year
2. each could have significance for someone
3. filter these significances by something
- a large number of people who celebrate by having a day off work
- days with a special greeting
- days with a special meal (or abstinence)
- days that signify victory (or defeat)
- days that are not like most other days of the year
4. even with this trivial set there is a complexity problem
- every day is many people's birthday
- every weekend is a holiday
- each criterion requires an unspecified threshold

Happy New Year!