I created a small sample to upload pictures to a third party photo service called Mobypicture.com.
You need to register there and create an account to obtain a developer key. From that moment on you are ready to go, replace your stuff in the B4A code.
Using this sample you can create your own Android Camera app. that uploads to Mobypicture. They have a great bunch of web services to search GEO photos etc.
You can download the code here: http://www.things.io/downloads/multipartpost.zip
It is too big for the forum attachements.
I created a small sample to upload pictures to a third party photo service called Mobypicture.com.
You need to register there and create an account to obtain a developer key. From that moment on you are ready to go, replace your stuff in the B4A code.
Using this sample you can create your own Android Camera app. that uploads to Mobypicture. They have a great bunch of web services to search GEO photos etc.
You can download the code here: http://www.things.io/downloads/multipartpost.zip
It is too big for the forum attachements.