Android Question Need Help.. Google Maps (Street View) Problem..

I have an old on going project which uses GoogleMaps + GoogleMapsExtras to show the Maps + StreetView panoramic images.
The problem is that I got an error when using the streetView:
The only solution I managed to find to make it work again is to use an old version of B4A (B4A 6) that use a reference to an old version of GooglePlayServices:
    #AdditionalRes: D:\Android\android-sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib\res,
along with old versions of GoogleMaps and GoogleMapsExtras (1.01 / 1.80)
But now when I tried to add Firebase Notitications to the app I had to install additional repositories (Android Support Repository / Google Repository) but this force the SDK to use a new version of GooglePlayServices which is not compatible GoogleMaps (1.01)
Thank you @warwound for your great work, my project won't even start without your libraries, but I hope if you could update the library and replace the deprecated method with the new one I think that would fix my problem..
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