Android Question need help to make sdk lib

Jiang Jian

Licensed User
I am from CHINA. I need to add wechat pay (WXpay) sdk to our vending machine. I got the SDK source code from wechat, and use the SimpleLibraryCompiler 1.03.
The SDK import org.apache.http package , and I got errors:

"Starting step: Compiling Java code.
javac 1.8.0_131
C:\Users\HY01\Desktop\WxPayAPI\src\com\github\wxpay\sdk\src\ 错误: 程序包 org.apache.http不存在
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
1 个错误

Error. "

The “:3: 错误: 程序包 org.apache.http不存在” = Error : Program package org.apache.http is not exist.

I download the httpcore-4.2.4.jar file ,but I do not know how to use it.

please help me , thanks.


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Hi, Have you got any code you can share? so we can best help you.
I think this would better suited in the developer forum with your specific code.

The error appears to suggest that your missing the org.apache.http.entity / httpcore-4.2.4.jar library in the libs folder.
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Jiang Jian

Licensed User
Hi, may I load the source code and the org.apache.http.entity lib ? I know the compiler could not found the org.apache.http library, I have the library ,but I do not know how to use the library and where to put it.


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  • httpcore-4.2.4.jar
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