Hello ,
I need to colorize some texts at tableview. I checked Erel's tutorial about adding labels to table view but I have a problem : Currently I am using the below code:
Becuase I am using an imageview in row(0) , I cant Use Erel's code for adding labels to tableview. How Can I coloriz the third row to green for example. I need a way to do this
I need to colorize some texts at tableview. I checked Erel's tutorial about adding labels to table view but I have a problem : Currently I am using the below code:
Dim row(7) As Object
Dim img_http As Image
img_http.Initialize(File.DirAssets, id&".png")
row(0) = pictoImage
row(1) = symbol
row(2) = "$ " &price_usd
row(3) = "% "&percent_change_24h
row(4) = price_btc
If volume_usd="" Or volume_usd=Null Or volume_usd="null" Then
row(5) = "$ " & NumberFormat2(volume_usd,0,0,0,True)
' row(5)=volume_usd
End If
row(6) = rank
Becuase I am using an imageview in row(0) , I cant Use Erel's code for adding labels to tableview. How Can I coloriz the third row to green for example. I need a way to do this