C/C++ Question Need help with these Can Bus libraries!


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Longtime User
In one of my Arduino projects I need to communicate using a Can bus. I have found, and ordered, some interesting hardware dealing with the Can Bus, Can Bed and Serial Can Module. Arduino libs exists for both but I have problems with creating B4R libs. Any help much appreciated!


  • CANBed-master.zip
    20.6 KB · Views: 488
  • Serial_CAN_Arduino-master.zip
    12.1 KB · Views: 501


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks tigrot for the quick response. How about the other library 'Serial Can Module'? Is it possible with the same technique using that lib?


Active Member
Licensed User
do you want to test both wrapper ?
for Serial_CAN, wrapper it don't manage events, you have to run "begin" first and to make a loop waiting for data like in Arduino.

for MCP_CAN, after a modification on original cpp file, i was able to compile example project in Arduino and i was able to make a wrapper with event management

i cannot test both because i don't have hardware but compilation and B4X interface seems OK

good luck!


  • rSerial_CAN_module.zip
    11.1 KB · Views: 476
  • rMCP_CAN.zip
    30 KB · Views: 427
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