Share My Creation Net Check (Tennis)

This is a new module in my Tennis Toolkit app. With this you can check the height of a tennis net (supposed to be 36") without having a tape measure.

Doing a few things I had not done before which made it fun:
Making draggable controls on an otherwise empty panel.
Using the camera preview and saving the preview image.
Having some "magnified" preview panels to help the user fine tune the position.

It's accurate if the instructions are followed, i.e. configuring the height you are holding the camera at.....but not as accurate as a tape measure.

On to the next thing.


  • Net Check-Fine tune with callouts.png
    Net Check-Fine tune with callouts.png
    323.6 KB · Views: 3,511


Licensed User
Longtime User
Very nice. Do you have some code you can share on how you:

Making draggable controls on an otherwise empty panel.
Using the camera preview and saving the preview image.
Having some "magnified" preview panels to help the user fine tune the position.



Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Idea: Attach a phone to the net, and use accelerometer sensor to detect if the ball touched the net. One less referee needed.

Gary Milne

Active Member
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Longtime User
Very nice. Do you have some code you can share on how you:

Making draggable controls on an otherwise empty panel.
Using the camera preview and saving the preview image.
Having some "magnified" preview panels to help the user fine tune the position.


Nothing packaged, I think without the whole thing it would not be very clear.

Gary Milne

Active Member
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Longtime User
Idea: Attach a phone to the net, and use accelerometer sensor to detect if the ball touched the net. One less referee needed.
I've considered that but to be honest "lets" (where the serve strikes the net cord but still falls into play) are pretty easy to detect an not really a problem.