New Icon for Basic4Android and my first impression


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Ok, the first beta installed on my system and it works perfectly so far. So I can distinguish B4A and B4PPC, I exported the icon of the executable file and reviewed. At first impression looks like the IDE B4PPC that the entry and simplified configuration. There is still space in the toolbar, I would like to see if the AVD-manager would be to start it. Also this version I could find I good in de toolbar a button to stop the IDE to have. The same applies to the File menu.

The connection to the emulator or the device is working properly. Since I do not have my Desire HTC HTC Sync special correspondent on WLAN, the transmission to Decive is a little faster. For more information you can learn from us in the blog.

I will now play a little with B4a. Let's see what happens.



  • Basic4Android.png
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