Android Question New view.setanimation


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I´m trying to use the new SetTextSizeAnimated, SetColorAnimated and SetTextColorAnimated and I create a test program with a Horizontal Panel and 5 buttons.
When a button receive a click it changes the text size, text color and the background color.
But when I click in any button the last one change also all sets but textcolor.
I could not find why.

I tried also with 6 buttons and always the problem is in the last one

I attach the source.


    6.9 KB · Views: 226


Licensed User
Longtime User
The problem is that you use the same cd for all buttons.
Try this:
cd.Initialize2 (Colors.DarkGray,10,2dip,Colors.Green)
Bt_1.Background = cd
cd.Initialize2 (Colors.DarkGray,10,2dip,Colors.Green)
Bt_2.Background = cd
cd.Initialize2 (Colors.DarkGray,10,2dip,Colors.Green)
Bt_3.Background = cd
cd.Initialize2 (Colors.DarkGray,10,2dip,Colors.Green)
Bt_4.Background = cd
cd.Initialize2 (Colors.DarkGray,10,2dip,Colors.Green)
Bt_5.Background = cd
The re-init separates between the dr's of the buttons.
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