Android Question NonSdkApiUsedViolation


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Just noticed that Google's Pre-Launch Report for my app has raised a "Usage of non SDK interfaces" issue when testing against an Android 9 device.

The logcat has recorded many instances of the violation with the following being an example chosen at random.

37315 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541): StrictMode policy violation: android.os.strictmode.NonSdkApiUsedViolation: Landroid/view/WindowManagerGlobal;->mViews:Ljava/util/ArrayList;
37316 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at android.os.StrictMode.lambda$static$1(
37317 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at android.os.-$$Lambda$StrictMode$lu9ekkHJ2HMz0jd3F8K8MnhenxQ.accept(Unknown Source:2)
37318 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(Native Method)
37319 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at androidx.test.espresso.base.RootsOracle.a(
37320 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at androidx.test.espresso.base.RootViewPicker$RootResultFetcher.a(
37321 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at androidx.test.espresso.base.RootViewPicker.a(
37322 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at androidx.test.espresso.ViewInteractionModule_ProvideRootViewFactory.get(
37323 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at androidx.test.espresso.base.ViewFinderImpl.a(
37324 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at androidx.test.espresso.ViewInteraction.a(
37325 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at androidx.test.espresso.ViewInteraction.a(
37326 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at androidx.test.espresso.ViewInteraction$
37327 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at
37328 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
37329 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
37330 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at android.os.Looper.loop(
37331 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at
37332 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
37333 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at$
37334 09-27 10:53:49.854: D/StrictMode(12541):     at

Would I be correct in assuming that this issue is due to the code that B4A generates rather than what I have written? And hence it will be fixed in a future version of B4A?


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From the logcat I have no idea what code is causing the issues. As far as I can see the enforcement of the violation has been introduced with Android 9 (API 28). I'll follow the advice presented here:

My post was really just a heads up on what seems to be changing rather than expecting anyone to debug my code. If no one else has been impacted by the Android 9 change, then it must be something at my end.
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Longtime User
How can I detect non-SDK interface uses when my app is running?

A logcat warning is printed of the form Accessing hidden field|method .... In addition, toast messages are shown for debuggable apps, and logcat messages are printed for any non-SDK interfaces that are denied.

So you´ll probably get more infos in the unfiltered log.
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I have been testing using the emulator running API 28 and I can't see any NonSdkApiUsedViolation syslog messages. (I'm using Android Studio's viewer.) I thought it might be because StrictMode had to be explicitly set so I used Informatix's StrictMode lib to do so. I saw the usual StrictMode "noise" but still no NonSdkApiUsedViolation messages. Is there a particular API 28 image that I need to use? The Android Developer docs seem to suggest any API 28 image should work.
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Thanks. Unfortunately I don't have an Android 9 device but once I do I'll follow your suggestion. In the mean time I won't worry too much about it.
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In which case I am confused again since, as I said in yesterday's post, when testing with the emulator I couldn't get any NonSdkApiUsedViolation messages to appear in the syslog. However, I still won't worry about it.
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Active Member
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I have created a project with just
Sub Button1_Click
    For i=0 To 10
    Msgbox("hello", "title")
End Sub
and I still don't see any messages referring to NonSdkApiUsedViolation. Filter is definitely off.
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