Not just the forum but the whole site!


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I really hate this. I don't want to be a second class citizen who is a mere after thought.

When I go to www.basic4ppc, I expect to bloody well see Basic4ppc, I do not expect to get a load of irrelevant garbage about bloody Android which is of no interest to PPC users whatsover.

If you want to be nice to Android people then create, don't hi jack the ppc site for something most ppc people don't care about.

As a compromise, you could make it split screen, PPC left, Android right, but basic4ppc should be as advertised, basic4ppc.

And having been totally ignored in favour of this totally uninteresting system, the only link out is not to any PPC home page, but to the purchace/download page. I HAVE ALREADY PURCHASED THE PPC VERSION JUST LIKE ALL THE PPC USERS. What a moronic choice of place to dump us in.

And when I finally get to forum I find all the johnny come lately's who are into this Android muck get pride of place. Us PPC guys, us loyal users, are demoted to the bottom of the screen because despite the loyalty, we don't count any more. Nice to see loyalty rewarded.

I see these new comers get an Additional Libraries and Offical Updates thread, but we being second class citizens don't have one any more! Thanks for caring (not).

Does the lack of such a thread for us second class citizens mean none of the bugs we have reported will ever get fixed? Well if they do, where are you going to tell us about it?

A second class citizen.
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The Announcements forum was traditionally used for updates regarding Basic4ppc.


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I don't agree with style but agree with the content!
Why not and the original


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Practically is the site of our software company, Anywhere Software.
It would have been better if at 2005 we had started using a different "neutral" domain name.
However this is not the case.
I didn't want to maintain two web sites and especially I didn't want to create two similar communities forums.
BTW, you can use this link to get to a "Basic4ppc only" forum:
Basic4ppc - Basic4ppc / Basic4android - Android programming


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The Announcements forum was traditionally used for updates regarding Basic4ppc.

OK, but that still doesn't tell me why we no longer have an Additional Libraries thread for ppc. Or anything else which makes me a second class citizen.
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BTW, you can use this link to get to a "Basic4ppc only" forum:
Basic4ppc - Basic4ppc / Basic4android - Android programming

Normaly I use the "New Post" Link and when I found a new solution I am very happy but when I click the Link I see It's an Android library...

Other suggestion: Please take a "mark" before the therad for Android or PPC
Example: "Android - Question Help Needed" Or "PPC - Door Library"
Need rules because now it's crazy...

Sorry for my English


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OK, So make the main page as neutral as you wish the domain name was.

It isn't just a case of getting to the forum, there are no links to ANYTHING ppc on the home page except to the Purchase page. Neutral is fine, but this is obsessively one sided as it stands.

Ah so that is a combined thread is it? So what is it doing in the Android specific section, that is confusing. I know, it has to go somewhere. Is it not possible to put a dummy link in the other place?
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This is a marketing decision that I made. Maybe I'm wrong and maybe I'm not. I don't think that it hurts you as a Basic4ppc user.

Ah so that is a combined thread is it? So what is it doing in the Android specific section, that is confusing. I know, it has to go somewhere. Is it not possible to put a dummy link in the other place?
I don't think that I understand.
This link holds the Basic4ppc subforums: Basic4ppc - Basic4ppc / Basic4android - Android programming
All of these subforums are not related to Basic4android.


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Edit: Referring to post #1.
BTW, it is not clear to me why do you use such hostile style.

Erel I told "I don't agree with style" what RacingDog used...
But earlier I liked this forum because I found so many solution for my problem but now I don't like to read the posts because I don't wan't to ferret it out what is about Android and what is about me.


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Now go back up a level. That is the starting point. Compare the content at that level. I never use the view you gave, I go straight in from the upper level.

OK sorry if I was a bit hot to start with, but I just found my next project is not possible, see wake up ppc to start alarm. And until my immune system comes back up properly I'm not allowed out unless it's somewhere un-crowded. So I need something to do, and I ain't got anything because of that, so hey ho boredom. I was going to create this thread regardless, but I was already pee-ed off by the time I got to it. Sorry.


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Droping my "two cents"....

When Basic4ppc was created by EREL, we didn't even had a forum in wich to post questions and get help, It was Geotrail who kindly alowed Erel to add and maintain a forum on his domain...Gretting to GeoTrail, we do miss you...Some of us still remember those days..
As Basic4P grew, so did the community and Erel's vision became clearer..
It is in fact a great peace of software...
Yes, perhaps the Site naming was two directional...But it is done...Remember that at that time, there was only WInMo and Palm, available for PDA's....Some weren't even phones yet...
But the market is evergrowing, and Erel, responding to OUR wishes, started the development of Basic4Android...
As in everything that is new, Basic4Android has the focus now, But Basic4Ppc is NOT dead...
The DLL listing is still up to date, as all updates reported to me...
And WE still reply to any question posted there...
Ok, I agree, some degree of separation is indeed needed, BUT I don't see any second class users in the forum... Perhaps in a fisrt forum page, only the two major sub.Forums, should appear, and by doing this, User watching Basic4ppc related posts would not be distracted by the noise being created in the Basic4Android...
But I re-instate, Neither Erel's has given up on B4ppc, Neither it's users and/or "Extra's" developer's like Andrew or me have mooved from B4ppc to B4a permantly....

Sorry but this is what I think, and i agree that the tone used by RacingDog was a bit agressive, though I can understand it, but not the best way to be eard...No-one understands a shout ou loud conversation...


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All very laudable stuff CableGuy. BUT.....

Now be a new user looking for Basic4PPC. Where does he go? Betcha 99% go to the Home page, it's the obvious place and the one most search engines come up with.

Now, tell me what this new person finds. Tell me what keeps his interest in what he thought he was looking for. Do you really want to say that home page is of any use whatsoever for such a new comer looking to find out what Basic4PPC is all about?

And where do people set bookmarks to? If you have nothing better to do than maintain bookmarks, you set them to lower level pages which change at the site managers whim. If you just want one quick entry point with no hassle, you bookmark the home page. If that home page suddenly has no useful links, you are just as screwed as the "bookmark everything geek" is when things change.

Is that simple enough to be understood? And if you bothered to read the thread you would have seen I have already apologised for the initial post, that should have been sufficient. Perhaps you didn't read that?


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there is one tiny little thing....

When i search in the forum for a basic4ppc solution, i get a lot of android things.

But i do understand that Basic4ppc has to follow the new techniques.
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Racing Dog is right about the website but he better get used to Basic4Android being the dominant developer platform from here on out.

Almost all the new stuff is going to happen there because Google keeps adding new capabilities to the hardware and OS at the speed of light. That's what Microsoft failed to do and that's why we find ourselves in the position we're in now...

It's not that PPC is so bad, it's just that with no new OS updates from Microsoft, it has hit an impassable wall as far as future features are concerned..

PPC represents the past and Android the future and there will be quite few people like myself who embrace both platforms. I especially like the desktop side of Basic4PPC which is missing in Basic4Android, so I hope that at least that aspect will keep the product moving forward to some degree...

Erel is trying to conserve resources and leverage off the existing site but it's obvious and understandable that some people will find that off-putting.

My vote is that Erel create 2 distinct sites, one for each product, so that users won't get confused, disappointed and conflict with one another. They may fit under one umbrella but there should be no confusion from a user perspective...



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I have no objection to anything being "the future", pissing myself laughing that anybody thinks I said that. I just want a reasonable access from the home page, amongst other things that aren't quite right. Like I put in a new thread, relised I was being an idiot and editted it to be a nothing post. Strangely, the thread is shown as appearing in two places, bug reports (what I did) and wish list (which I didn't) so this hasty revision of the site needs to be less hasty.

Let's get another thing straight. I have no interest in future developments. I have only a 1 in 3 chance of making another 4 years and it goes rapidly downhill thereafter. I just want the peace to enjoy what I enjoy. Preparing for the future is pointless. Regulars really ought to have figured that from previous posts. I might get lucky and be haunting you here for a couple of decades, but it is pointless even considering such an outside chance.


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Of course, you could simply have a loader page that asks whether you want basic4ppc or basic4android (I see it as the platform logos or something.) Put info in their respective pages and share the forum and forms, etc. It really is easy to do.

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