NSBasic vs B4A


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I have some time ago bought a version of NSBasic only to find it is quite underdeveloped, many bugs/inadequacies etc. A waste of money.

Appreciate if someone could give me their opinion of B4A as to how close is it to VB, namely converting a VB app, or even just writing as a VB programmer and being able to pop out a sophisticated Android app not just a simple buttons that display some info.



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The syntax of B4A is very similar to Vb, if you are used to Vb it will be an easy transition. With B4a you will be able to produce very sophisticated apps, database manipulation, web access, server access to name but a few. The significant difference is the flow of the app and activity life cycle, all of this is very well explained in the beginners guide and the users guide both can be downloaded from this site. There is also a trial version which I recommend you download, this is limited in that there are additional libraries which give extra functionality which the trial cannot use. B4a is definitely not a waste of money.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you for taking the time to respond Edward, appreciated. Sounds like it's worth getting involved.

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