ocx or activex controls


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Hi does anyone know if there are any ocx or active x controls such as gauges,leds available for B4A?


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Hi there!
welcome to b4a

I second Informatix that ActivX controls are for Windows.. you are in Androidland.. You need to change your orientation because, although the functions and behavior are similar, but the names different.

for example:

ComboBox in VB is similar to SpinnerView in B4A
Textbox in VB is EditTex in B4A.
Frame in VB is Panel in B4A.

ActivX controls in VB are called Views in B4A

Some Views in B4A have the same name in VB like Label1

You can also search libraries and classes in B4A, but the name of the game is, forget about the names and look for the functionality you need in the view or the library.

my 2 cents.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for the schooling. I am new to android development. Let me rephrase the question. Does anyone know of any graphical tools (views) such as gauges, leds and such for android?
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Have you looked at the Beginners Guide? It has many good examples.

For LED, I use a small square panel with a corner radius 1/2 the width. This makes a circle, chose color, and visible attribute to turn it on or off.

For gauge, I use a progress bar, more compact for my applications, where a relative magnitude indicator is required, with added label for numeric value.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi does anyone know if there are any ocx or active x controls such as gauges,leds available for B4A?

Hi Charlie_M,
I think that the activeX controls in VB6.0 is alike as the custom views in B4A,but thay are different of using
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control widgets

You might want to look at using webview & extras to use html5 and jquery for things like gauges, switches etc. There are heaps open source components you just need a bit of javascript to make it work. Some are commercial check the licence. Here is an example of what is available. jQuery Gauge Demo - jQWidgets Javascript HTML5 UI Framework
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